Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Great Weekend!

Hey everyone, I had a great weekend outdoors.

On Friday, I went to Cypress Creek and met up with a friend Rez, shes a Pit Bull Weimaraner mix, shes very pretty!

This is me and my Pa driving to the Creek.

Beautiful South East Texas

Me Sniffin' around

Here's me and Rez taking a quick swim

All of this outdoor action sure gets a Dog Tired! So I passed out on my Pa's bed.  

I hope everyone had a good weekend and hope to see ya'll back here soon!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The things I do for Treats...

This is me , Skarsgard.

I'm very happy here @ Central Appliance Parts!  They give me treats from the refrigerator whenever I do tasks well, like writing this blog.  I always wonder how refrigerators keep their cool so well, every time those big Stainless doors open, I would wag my tail and wait there because I know i'm fixin to get something tasty!

But I know opening and closing the fridge all the time can cost my parents quite a bit of money on their electric bill.  So heres some awesome advice.  Use a General Electric PM14X51 Refrigerator Coil Cleaning Brush to clean those dusty clogged coils back there.

It looks like thisAnd you can chew on it too!

The top half is bendable too, so you can get into all the nooks and cranny's with ease.  It doubles as Dryer Vent cleaner as well (every dog knows pilled-up lint is a family fire hazard).

So do yourself a favor, en dour the labor, and save yourself some Money! 

Until next time my friends! 
